Saturday, May 7, 2016

Tale of Wuxia v1.0 +62 Trainer dvstrainers

1. Infinite Energy
2. Infinite health
3. Infinite move/turns
4. Infinite attack
5. Always critical hit
6. Always counter attack
7. Always evade
8. Max movement range
9. Max attack range
+ Stats, Talents, Mini-games esitor up to a total of 62 cheats!,

YouTube video link of the Trainer : Watch now

Download Link: Click Here

" Tested on Windows 8 64 Bit. Should work for Windows 7/Vista/XP as well.
Important : If You are running Windows 8 and you get the memory error simply go to the trainer "Troubleshoot Compatibility" or compatibility in properties then choose compatibility with Windows XP SP 2 ."